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Chip Kelly's Best Win Yet at UCLA Puts Clay Helton Under Even More Heat Across Town

“Embarrassing” was the word tweeted out by former USC quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Matt Leinart at one point during the Trojans’ game against rival UCLA on Saturday.

That word could have applied to a multitude of things, from the Trojans’ sloppy play to their tailspin in the final weeks of the season to the direction the program has gone since the celebrated Pete Carroll–led days of national title contention with Leinart and Reggie Bush tormenting defenses every week.

Whatever the reason, USC is now in danger of sitting at home during bowl season after a 34–27 loss to UCLA, the school's first defeat at the hands of their crosstown rivals since 2014 and its first loss to an opponent with eight losses or more since the 1960 season.