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Athletic Director: 'We Will Be F--ked' If 2020 CFB Season Is Canceled

Don Wright/Associated Press

Brett McMurphy of Stadium spoke with most of the 130 FBS athletic directors about the possibility of COVID-19 preventing a full 2020 college football season.

"If there's no season, we will be f--ked," one anonymous athletic director told McMurphy, while another said having no season "would be devastating."

McMurphy relayed nearly one-fifth of the FBS athletic directors asked "believe there is at least a 50 percent chance" of an abbreviated 2020 college football season happening.

A more extensive look into the survey:

"In a survey conducted by Stadium, all 130 FBS athletic directors were asked to rank their optimism on the upcoming season being played from '1' (will not be played) to '10' (definitely will be played).