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Stephen A. Smith After Westbrook-CP3 Trade: 'How About the Houston Rockets Now?'

Stephen A. Smith sounded off on the reported blockbuster Russell Westbrook-Chris Paul trade that broke Thursday night, with Westbrook now reunited with All-Star guard James Harden in Houston. The ESPN persona has high hopes for the Rockets in light of the late-night deal.

"Russell Westbrook is going to Houston. He's teaming up with James Harden yet again," Smith said. "Here's the bottom line: We've been talking about the Los Angeles Lakers. We've been talking about the Los Angeles Clippers. How about the Houston Rockets now?"

The Thunder reportedly traded their All-Star point guard to the Rockets in exchange for Paul, first-round picks in 2024 and 2026, and pick swaps in 2021 and 2025.