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Prime Vince Carter Vs. Right Now Klay Thompson

NBA Twitter is usually a fun place to be, but sometimes it can also be a thoughtful environment. For example, two weeks ago this tweet engaged the large Twitter community:

Sadly, been debating with some friends…. Prime Vince Carter of current Klay Thompson?

— Josh Eberley ud83cudde8ud83cudde6 (@JoshEberley) December 20, 2016

At first I thought, ‘Pssh, obviously Vince,’ but then I’m like, ‘But Klay…,’ and then I’m like ‘Vince…?,’ then I realized it would require some more thought than I had anticipated.

Vince Carter is a bona fide first-ballot Hall of Famer, an eight-time All-Star, a gold medalist, and one of the league’s most memorable and athletic superstars ever.