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Wyoming Slays the Mountain West’s Dragon, Beats No. 24 Fresno State

40 straight drives without a three and out. 14-game win streak, the second longest in the nation. The Bulldogs scored in 25 straight quarters. All of it is no more, the Cowboys demoralizing the Bulldogs on Saturday night.

Wyoming’s first ranked win since 2016. A great day to be a Cowboy fan. 42 AP Top-25 votes racked in for the Cowboys, and the streets are saying the Cowpokes are America’s team.

With the nose tackle Cole Godbout sealing the game with a volleyball-esque interception, victory was oh-so-sweet for Craig Bohl and his squad.

A pair of three-and-outs to start this game would set the tone for the Bulldog offense, and the unit didn’t really see any success until it was too little and too late.