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Women’s hockey notebook: A ray of Sunshine, a long road back, and a dominant trip to Finland

Between her time with Les Canadiennes in the CWHL and the Montreal region of the PWHPA (now known as Team Harvey’s), Marie-Soleil Deschênes is in her fifth season. Up until this weekend, she had played five regular season or PWHPA Dream Gap Tour games.

Such is life as the team’s third — or even fourth — goaltender. In her years with the team, she has played behind current or former Canadian national team members Geneviève Lacasse, Ann-Renée Desbiens, and Emerance Maschmeyer, and sometimes all three at the same time.

With the Olympics this year, Desbiens and Maschmeyer are centralized, leaving the door open for more playing time for Deschênes.