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The NHL is setting a dangerous precedent during this COVID outbreak

The Montreal Canadiens played a hockey game on Saturday afternoon. They lost 5-2 playing with a lineup that had a total combined cap hit of $22.85 million.

Pour ceux qui veulent tenir le compte, masse salariale du Canadien cet après-midi contre les Panthers

11 attaquants : 13,738 millions

5 défenseurs : 7,611 millions (c'est 111 000$ de moins qu'Aaron Ekblad)

2 gardiens : 1,5 million

Total : 22,849 millions— Guillaume Lefrançois (@glefrancoisLP) January 1, 2022

They had lost two players that morning to the COVD protocol — Alexander Romanov and Jake Evans — just a day after losing Brandon Baddock.