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Popcorn Boxes and Legendary Habs

Howie Morenz was born in 1902, so when he was about 15 and paying a nickel to get into the local movie house in Stratford, this is the sort of popcorn box he would’ve thrown from the balcony while sitting with his goofy friends. This is what guys did. Girls giggled with their girlfriends, boys fired popcorn boxes. Nowadays, with round popcorn boxes in theatres, the art of sending these missiles through the air has, I guess, sadly disappeared.

Toe Blake was born in 1912, so when he was about 15, this is the type of popcorn box he would have zipped from the balcony of the movie palace in Coniston if there was a movie palace there, or in nearby Sudbury, where there certainly would have been one.