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“Hopefully I get there”: Jesse Ylönen is putting in the work to earn an NHL spot in the future

It is a relaxed Jesse Ylönen, even if he is coming directly from a training session, when we meet up in Lahti at noon. The forward has been working out every day for 10 days, with just a quick break after having been knocked out in the playoffs.

“I am working on my skills, but also traditional off-season training on the ice, in the gym, running, and all kinds of other activities. It’s fun to be on the ice, and of course you have to get better at every time.”

It is interesting that Ylönen mentions skating practice as he is one of the best skaters in his age group, but he has a simple answer: “I have been doing extra training with skating for many years, because when I was younger skating wasn’t my best skill.