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Habsent Minded 4.62: Part 2 — How important is being NHL-ready for first overall pick?

Habsent Minded is a podcast series on all things Montreal Canadiens. In the latest episode, Patrik Bexell was joined by Hadi Kalakeche, Matt Drake, Jared Book, and Anton Rasegård for a round-table discussion on the first overall pick for the 2022 NHL Entry Draft. In this second part of four, the panel explores whether Juraj Slafkovský is more NHL-ready than Shane Wright, whether that impacts who the Canadiens should select, and what should be expected next year from either of the two top draft prospects.

Patrik Bexell, European Correspondent: While understanding that comparing between leagues is really difficult, whether between junior and senior leagues or between different junior leagues, who is more NHL-ready right now, Shane Wright or Juraj Slafkovský?