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Canadiens vs. Islanders 10 Takeaways: Shut out, yet again

1. Every player with any connection to the city of Montreal always scores in his first game in Montreal.

A local kid coming into Montreal for his first pro game? Just give him the goal... How many times has this happened now? Yeah, I’m looking at you Anthony Beauvillier.

Seeing your son score an NHL goal in person must be among the coolest feelings for a parent. #Beauvillier

— Marc Dumont (@MarcPDumont) February 24, 2017

2. Claude Julien’s 1000th game.

During the ceremony honouring Claude Julien’s 1000th game it hit me that this is the first time the Canadiens have had a head coach behind the bench who coached his team to a Stanley Cup victory since Jacques Demers.