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Canadiens’ participation in search for Lions head coach was a “positive process”

In early June, the Lions de Trois-Rivières unveiled their team name and logo, and this was generally very well received on social media for the new ECHL affiliate of the Montreal Canadiens. Here’s the announcement in case you missed it:

La ECHL à Trois-Rivières, ça se passe maintenant! Joins-toi à nous pour ce moment historique dès maintenant.

The ECHL in Trois-Rivières, it's happening now! Join us for this historic moment.

Obtiens les meilleurs sièges dès maintenant: 819-519-1634 &— Lions de Trois-Rivières (@Lions3r) June 10, 2021

After the branding, the next step was to start putting together the personnel, including the announcement of their choice for head coach, which landed on former NHL player Éric Bélanger.