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Canadiens: Molson to Spend $100 Million in Upgrades

In a press conference, Geoff Molson announced that ownership will be investing close to $100,000,000 into renovations and upgrades inside and outside Bell Centre. There will be new restaurants, an Avenue-des-Canadiens which will be pedestrian only, and a new entrance to the Centre.

Inside the building, the following will be completed:

The plans for the interior space in the Bell Centre, some of the work of which has already been completed, include the following over the next three years:¸

  • Replacement of 21,288 seats (completed)
  • Redesign of the corridors and addition of video screens
  • New look for food concessions
  • Renovation of loges and salons
  • Wide area WIFI coverage/access
  • Reorganization of backstage areas
  • Optimization of mechanical and staging equipment
  • Restoration of the Salon Jacques-Beauchamp
  • Updating of La Mise au Jeu and 9-4-10 restaurants

It was noted in a study that the Bell Centre attracts over 2.