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Are Dwight King, Steve Ott, and Andreas Martinsen benefiting from Claude Julien’s system?

After a recent six-game win streak, the Montreal Canadiens have now lost two of their last three, scoring just one goal over the two defeats.

The lack of goal-scoring was the biggest issue facing the team at the trade deadline, but with a dearth of offensive talent available, with exorbitant prices for those who reportedly were, the additions the Canadiens made were largely of the depth variety, acquiring three fourth-line forwards.

After the deadline passed without a top-six player joining the fold, the focus immediately turned to how much bigger the team got. With the smaller David Desharnais and Sven Andrighetto shipped out for three big, heavy skaters, some suggested that these moves may not have been solely the work of the general manager, but a response to a request from the new head coach, Claude Julien.