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Yusuke Yachi, Hatsu Hioki, and King Reina among 7 new additions to RIZIN 12 in August

RIZIN 12 is slated to take place on August 12, live from Nagoya, Japan. But, prior to tonight, no fights had been announced.

Well, seven – yes, seven – bouts were announced just moments ago at a press conference in Japan.

Yusuke Yachi vs. Bruno Carvalho


KRAZY BEE’s Yusuke Yachi (20-6) heads into Nagoya on the heels of six-straight phenomenal wins – five of those taking place inside a RIZIN ring. After losing to BJJ-Ace Kleber Koike Erbst at Pancrase 280 in late 2016, Yachi signed with RIZIN Fighting Federation.