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Yoel Romero Reportedly Awarded $27 Million in Lawsuit Against Supplement Company

Yoel Romero might not need to fight in the UFC ever again if he doesn’t want to do so.

According to Romero’s manager, Abraham Kawa, the fighter was awarded $27.45 million in New Jersey court for his lawsuit against Gold Star Performance Products. Romero filed suit against the company after a tainted supplement resulted in a failed USADA drug test for the UFC middleweight. Kawa revealed the news via message on "Ariel Helwani’s MMA Show" on Tuesday.

Romero was represented by attorney Howard Jacobs in the case. “The Soldier of God” received $3 million apiece for lost wages, reputable harm and emotional damage, and that total was then tripled under the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act, according to Kawa.