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WTF?! Quote of the Day: Cat Zingano “Didn’t Expect” That Ronda Rousey Would “Go for Her Arm” at UFC 184

(Yeah, I actually prefer this analysis.)

With each successive Ronda Rousey performance, it becomes increasingly difficult to picture any future opponent of hers lasting over a minute, let alone a round, with the “Rowdy” one. She outgrapples wrestlers, pancakes strikers, and submits everyone in between without breaking a sweat, and it’s been like this her entire career — nine of the woman’s twelve professional fights can be captured in a single gif, for Christ’s sake.

Enter Cat Zingano, a hulking physical specimen and tough-as-nails fighter that many of us believed would be the one to push Rousey further than anyone before when they collided at UFC 184.