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Werdum gives it to McGregor in NSFW Instgram post

Is it a threat? A promise? Or just some passing weirdness from the UFC heavyweight champ directed and featherweight star Conor McGregor?

Promise me it won't get weird. Or, at least not weirder than this, but this is a pretty high bar. As Conor McGregor takes his show on the road to the lightweight division, he's made a somewhat surprising enemy. Not Rafael dos Anjos, although there's certainly no love lost between the lightweight champ and the Irishman, but dos Anjos' teammate, heavyweight champ Fabricio Werdum, who has taken a serious disliking to the UFC's featherweight kingpin.

Werdum and McGregor have been trading shots in the media, ever since a Werdum told a story about Mcgregor wanting to train at Kings MMA.