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Watch Bellator MMA fighter Justin Wren deliver stirring TEDxWarwick talk on Pygmy plight

Justin Wren was last seen defeating Juan Torres via decision at Bellator 149: "Shamrock vs Gracie 3" in Houston, Texas, earlier this year, but in his every day life "Big Pygmy" continues a much bigger fight against bigotry and slavery, as he explained in this appearance at TEDxWarwick.

Wren uses his size and power at 6'2", 251 pounds to out-muscle and out-work his opponents inside the cage, leading to two straight unanimous wins. Outside the confines of a cage, however, Wren has a much bigger fight on his hands. A self-described Christian missionary who believes actions speak louder than words, Wren spends every purse he wins on his "Fight for the Forgotten," the Mbuti Pygymy people of Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa.