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Video: Takaki Soya finishes with soccer kicks after killer right hand

Related Topics: Namiki, finishing, Kawahara, Shooto

Takaki Soya’s latest finish was a matter of Pride.

The 24-year-old Shooto veteran was competing for the first time in over two years and he must have had plenty of pent-up aggression because he absolutely unloaded on Namiki Kawahara in their 59-kg (approx. 130 pounds) bout at Rizin 16 on Sunday in Kobe, Japan.

Soya (10-4) blasted Kawahara with a right hand that immediately turned Kawahara’s lights out, then followed up with soccer kicks to the body for good (and probably unnecessary) measure.

Not only was Soya making a comeback from a long layoff, this was also his first win since December 2016.