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Video: Michel Pereira goes for moonsault off of cage at Road FC 52

Related Topics: Moonsault, Cage, Seoul

Michel Pereira is at it again.

Loyal readers of Missed Fists will remember Pereira for his wild aerial exploits from a Road FC show last July. In his first bout of 2019, he may have topped himself.

At Road FC 52 on Saturday in Seoul, South Korea, Pereira knocked opponent Dae Sung Kim to the mat with a spinning kick and then after attempting some sort of Superman guard pass off of the fence, he went back to the cage to scale it and then fire himself at Kim with a pro-wrestling style moonsault.

In the above clip, you can also see Pereira attack a downed Kim with a standing backflip, rush him with a flying side kick, and eventually finish the fight with knees.