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Video: ‘Bazooka Arms’ guy with pure synthol biceps gets beat by blogger in MMA bout

Related Topics: biceps brachii, Russia

Kirill Tereshin’s story is something of an insane trip. A Russian ex-army soldier who reportedly became frustrated with his lack of ‘gainz’ and decided to move straight to injecting pure synthol into his biceps—and eventually, allegedly, a homemade concoction of olive oil, benzyl alcohol, and lidocaine. In the past couple years there appear to be almost as many stories about him looking for a way to get surgery to reverse the damage he’s done as there are those that just can’t help stopping and staring at it all.

Among rurmors that he’s trying to get together enough money to travel to the UK for treatment, he’s entered himself in some publicity driven contests to make bank off his freakish appearance while there’s still bank to be made.