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USADA Clears Cristiane ‘Cyborg’ Justino of Potential Anti-Doping Violation

Cristiane Justino’s next UFC appearance could come a lot sooner than expected.

On Friday, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency announced that “Cyborg” had been cleared of a potential anti-doping violation after testing positive for the diuretic spironolactone in an out-of-competition sample collected on Dec. 5. The reigning Invicta featherweight queen would have been facing a one-year suspension for the violation.

“Upon notice of her positive test, Justino immediately identified a medication prescribed by her physician for the treatment of a common endocrine disorder as the source of the prohibited substance detected in her sample. She also participated in multiple interviews with USADA’s investigative team and consented to USADA interviewing her physician as well,” the statement read.