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Tommy Toe Hold Show: Not 'Shogun' Rua Kills Tommy ahead of UFC 190

Do you feel in charge?

What's up fight fans!? I'm the Ashton Kutcher Steve Jobs bio pic of mixed martial arts (MMA) Tommy Toe Hold! And today's episode of TTTHS (The Tommy Toe Hold Show):

Shobane's Reckoning!

This is a VERY goofy concept, fight fans. I will warn you now. If you're not used to the more bizarre humor on this show you're probably going to be confused, angry, a little bit sad, but hopefully it's just stupid enough that you laugh as well.

I'm a huge movie buff. I love comic books. A silly running joke from three years ago on the show has carried through to today, which is the reason you'll see UFC 190's "Shogun" Mauricio Rua dressed as Bane, a bear dressed as Bane, and Dan Henderson as Batman.