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“The Whole Shebang Is A Stupid Nickname,” and Other Pointless Arguments And Embarrassing Discussions I’ve Had With Johnny Gargano

“The Whole Shebang is a stupid nickname.”

“The Cat’s Pajamas? That’ll never catch on.”

“You’re gonna call your finisher The Hurts Donut..? What are you, twelve years old?”

“Why are you saving a tweet inviting Chris Pratt to PWG in your drafts?…

…what do you mean you’re waiting for the perfect opportunity?! That’s unnecessary.”

“Stop calling energy drinks ‘endos!”

“Why do I always have to be the first to die in any scenario where an animal is chasing us?!..

..because I’m a little guy with cerebral palsy isn’t a good reason! Why wouldn’t the animal want the bigger guy?