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Teddy Atlas Recalls Pulling Gun on a 15-year-old Mike Tyson: ‘I needed him to understand what I would do’

Related Topics: Teddy Atlas, Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson is one of the biggest names in the history of professional boxing.

The former heavyweight world champion rose from the poverty-stricken streets of New York to becoming a legend in the sport. Playing a big role in his development were Cus D’Amato and Teddy Atlas, two legends in their own right. However, training Tyson proved to be a struggle, particularly for Atlas who recently recounted an incident when he pulled a gun on a 15-year-old Tyson after he had inappropriately touched Atlas’ 11-year-old niece.

Speaking about the incident in an interview with VladTV, Atlas set the stage, revealing that he had at one point kicked Tyson out of his gym after the young pugilist ran into trouble one too many times.