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Study shows that concussions could cost you your sense of smell

Related Topics: smell, Université de Montréal

According to Udem Nouvelles, the official news source of the Université de Montréal, it has long been established that people who suffer major blows to the head can temporarily lose their sense of smell. However, it appears as though mild blows to the head may also have the same repercussions.

This is all according to a new study published in the medical journal Brain Injury titled Olfactory, cognitive and affective dysfunction assessed 24 hours and one year after a mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI).

The study was produced by an international team led by researchers at the Université de Montréal who compared 20 hospital patients who were suffering from mTBIs (also known as concussions) to 22 patients who had suffered broken limbs, but had no mTBIs.