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Sonnen: Ronda Rousey was created by media, like 'wimps' Bruce Lee, LeBell

Chael Sonnen details why he believes Ronda Rousey was created by the media, much like other 'myths' and 'wimps' like Bruce Lee, Gene LeBell.

Even before Ronda Rousey lost to Holly Holm, Chael Sonnen had already gone on record to say that the former dominant champion was 'created by the media' and made to be much bigger than she actually is. The former title contender elaborated on this on a recent appearance with Submission Radio.

"So here’s the deal with Ronda," Sonnen stated. "Ronda goes out, she’s in a division that if you wanna be, you know, if you’re a top 15 fighter at any point in your life, that’s a lifetime achievement.