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Sadistic voyeurism! 'Punchy' Ronda Rousey, UFC 'blood sport' unwelcome in Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne has spoken!

Well, more specifically, Susie O'Brien of Melbourne's Herald Sun has spoken, and she does not want mixed martial arts (MMA) back in her neck of the Outback. Probably because it's comprised of "muscled, tattooed men in weird outfits" who "bash each other up as blood sprays about the ring."

They fight in a cage, but far be it from me to get hung up over semantics.

While maudlin smear campaigns are not uncommon in combat sports (just ask these dopes), O'Brien is resurrecting cadaverous talking points to help rally her fellow tightwads, since both Melbourne and Sydney are rumored to be competing for the return of Ronda Rousey and her "punchy" sound bites.