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Ruslan Magomedov, Zubaira Tukhugov Take 2-Year USADA Bans for Positive Ostarine Tests

Russians Ruslan Magomedov and Zubaira Tukhugov won’t be in the Octagon any time soon.

On Thursday, the Ultimate Fighting Championship’s drug-testing partner, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, announced that both fighters had accepted two-year suspensions stemming from failed drug tests.

Both fighters failed out-of-competition tests for the same substance, ostarine, a selective androgen receptor modulator designed to help muscle growth. Magomedov, 31, and Tukhugov, 27, both failed tested administered on Sept. 7, 2016, while Tukhugov failed an additional out-of-competition test on Oct. 29 of the same year.

Both suspensions are retroactive to Sept.