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Ronda Rousey's coach misses creditor meeting, trustee gets help investigating

Edmond Tarverdyan was absent for his scheduled meeting with creditors, and it wasn’t the first time.

Ronda Rousey's coach, Edmond Tarverdyan, failed to appear at his scheduled 341(a) Meeting of Creditors this past Monday as part of his bankruptcy case.

Tarverdyan originally filed for bankruptcy on May 29, but that case was dismissed by the trustee when he failed to appear for a creditor meeting on July 2. He then re-filed for bankruptcy and appeared at a Sep. 2 creditor meeting, but that meeting was continued by the trustee who asked for additional documentation on Tarverdyan's bank account and "Credit card statements for all accounts over $100,000, most recently filed tax return, loan balance re: Via Monique property.