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Report: Conor McGregor, Ronda Rousey UFC Payouts Revealed in Lawsuit Documents

Related Topics: Ronda Rousey, UFC, Conor McGregor

As part of a class-action lawsuit filed against UFC by more than 1,200 MMA fighters, the earnings of some of UFC's top fighters from 2011 to 2016 have been disclosed in newly filed documents.

According to Anton Tabuena of, the names of the fighters were not attached to the payouts, but business expert John Nash used other information provided to determine how much several fighters, including Conor McGregor and Ronda Rousey, were paid during that time period.

Per the findings, McGregor earned nearly $20 million for nine fights from 2011 to 2016, while Rousey made about $13 million for seven fights during the same timeframe.