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Pros react to Khabib Nurmagomedov’s post-UFC 229 brawl ultimatum to UFC

The reigning lightweight champion issued an ultimatum to the UFC on Thursday in defense of his friend, UFC featherweight Zubaira Tukhugov, for Tukhugov’s involvement in UFC 229’s chaotic post-fight brawl with Conor McGregor and the Irishman’s team. Following news that the UFC cancelled Tukhugov’s scheduled UFC Moncton bout against McGregor’s teammate Artem Lobov, Nurmagomedov warned the promotion that if they cut Tukhugov, they will lose Nurmagomedov as well.

Check out reaction to Nurmagomedov’s ultimatum below.

Once again two wrongs. Zub was wrong, Artem at bus was wrong.