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NYSAC to Penalize Kelvin Gastelum After Leaning on Coach at Weigh-ins

NYSAC has released a statement regarding Kelvin Gastelum’s weigh-in this morning. The UFC 244 co-main is on and the weight will stand. But the commission is reviewing the matter and could take disciplinary action. Gastelum allegedly leaned on coach Rafael Cordeiro on the scale.

— Marc Raimondi (@marc_raimondi) November 1, 2019

Editor's note: The article has been updated at 4:15 p.m. ET on 11/1/19 to reflect additional information.

Although Friday morning started off with a little drama on the scales, the New York State Athletic Commission will not be pulling Ultimate Fighting Championship middleweight Kelvin Gastelum from his matchup on Saturday.