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Nick Diaz declared he 'wrongfully' took Fifth Amendment as part of NAC settlement agreement

On Tuesday, the Nevada Athletic Commission unanimously approved the terms of a deal with Diaz, reducing his suspension to 18 months and his fine to $100,000. The NAC had previously suspended Diaz for five years and fined him $165,000 in September for testing positive for marijuana for the third time in the state.

Diaz will now be able to fight as early as Aug. 1. That's the good news. However, in order for the deal to go through, Diaz had to declare in writing that he "wrongfully" took the Fifth Amendment in the original hearing.

In the declaration, Diaz said his legal counsel advised him to take the Fifth "when questioned by the Commission regarding my use of marijuana and, more particularly, whether I used marijuana prior to the January 31, 2015 fight.