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Morning Report: Yoel Romero wins judgment in lawsuit against supplement company

Back in 2016, Romero failed and out-of-competition USADA drug test for a substance called Ibutamoren, a growth hormone secretagogue - a growth hormone stimulate. Romero denied knowingly ingesting the banned substance, arguing that it came from a tainted supplement. USADA tested the supplement Romero took and found that it was indeed present despite not being listed on the label. As a result, Romero was only given a six-month ban from USADA.

That was not what Romero wanted though. After having his otherwise immaculate record tarnished (as an Olympic wrestler, Romero has been drug test arguably longer than any other competitor currently in the UFC), “The Soldier of God” was after a reckoning with the company that not only tainted their supplement but also tainted his good name.