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Morning Report: Ronda Rousey talks 'dream' matchup with Jon Jones and WrestleMania 32 mind games

UFC women's bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey faces Bethe Correia Aug. 1 at UFC 190 in Brazil, but some of her fans seem a bit more interested in the hypothetical.

Doing a live Q&A hosted by The Wall Street Journal in Los Angeles, Rousey was asked who she'd most like to fight in the UFC given no restrictions, such as reality.

"Dream world like skills-wise or annoying me-wise?" Rousey asked the fan.

"Does size count? Could we just go from anybody's skills? Like dream match. Skills-wise, I would love to see where I would go with [former light heavyweight champion] Jon Jones because he's the one most able to improvise within a match, which is something I really pride myself on.