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MMA Vivisection - Invicta FC 17: Evinger vs. Schneider picks, odds, & analysis

Zane Simon, Victor Rodriguez, and D.E.O. are back to give you all the news you need to know on this weekend's Invicta FC card, including odds and picks for every fight from Tony Evinger vs. Colleen Schneider in the main event down to Laura Howarth vs. Alexa Conners in the opener.

Invicta is back, which means it's time for another WMMA Vivi. We've got a bit of a weird card on our hands, with a couple of awesome title fights at the top and then a lot of semi-unknown talent filling out underneath. Hopefully this means a lot of fun action fights and some new fighters entering into the spotlight, but it's always hard to tell with these kinds of cards.