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MMA fighter accused of murdering doctor after dispute over COVID-19 vaccine

Pro MMA fighter Akmal Khozhiev, 27, has been arrested in Guam and charged with first-degree aggravated murder and second-degree aggravated assault (per The Guam Daily Post). Reportedly Khozhiev was arrested after confessing to police that he had murdered Dr. Miran Ribati, a local radiologist.

Khozhiev and Ribati knew each other through a local gym. They were dining together in an apartment before Ribati was killed. A witness reported that Khozhiev and Ribati argued about COVID-19 vaccines and that Khozhiev told Ribati that he no longer trusted him.

Police say that after this argument Khozhiev choked Ribati, took him down onto the ground and used his legs to restrain his arms while he continued choking him.