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Michel Prazeres’ Career in Jeopardy Following 4-Year Ban for Performance Enhancing Drugs

Ultimate Fighting Championship welterweight Michel Prazeres has waived the white flag on a four-year suspension for a second violation of UFC Anti-Doping Policy.

Prazere, 40, tested positive for multiple prohibited substances -- clomiphene and its metabolites (desethyl-clomiphene, clomiphene M1, and clomiphene M2), oxandrolone metabolites, and the exogenous administration of testosterone and/or its precursors via urine samples -- and will be banned from competition until Aug. 27, 2025. Prazeres previously tested positive for boldenone in March of 2019 and served a two-year ban.

The United States Anti-Doping Agency on Thursday revealed the suspension and issued the following statement:

Prazeres’ urine sample was analyzed using a specialized test, known as Carbon Isotope Ratio (CIR) testing, that differentiates between anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) naturally produced by the body and prohibited anabolic agents of external origin.