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Kywan Gracie Behring pitches ‘Gracie vs. The World’ card in Bellator

The Gracie family has built its reputation for decades around the world, representing jiu-jitsu in the Vale Tudo days and helping build the UFC and PRIDE. For the next generation of the family, Bellator feels like home.

Over the past few years, MMA legend Royce Gracie opened the Bellator doors for talents like Neiman Gracie, Khonry Gracie and Robson Gracie Jr. While Rhalan Gracie still awaits for his chance to debut, Thursday’s Bellator 247 card in Milan marks Kywan Gracie Behring’s first walk to the cage.

Son of Marcelo Behring and grandson of Carlos Gracie, Kywan carries the responsibility of representing two of the most important clans in jiu-jitsu history, but only sees the glass half full going into his first Bellator appearance against Constantin Gnusariov.