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KNUCKLE UP #304: UFC 201, Blasts, Pasts + Crushingly Significant Greatness. And oh, yeah, for those who asked: Karl Rove.

Literary gunslinger Eugene S. Robinson lends his "one"-of-a-"kind" "perspective" to UFC 201, fighters winning while losing, making money moves, figuring out which side the bread is buttered on and turning out a stunning night of fight stunners. This and due to popular demand: the infamous Karl Rove story. Oh, and before we forget: Karolina's not ready yet. That is all. Wait, no it's not. Below? A link to a piece on CATCH WRESTLING, bitches!

IN Round #304, KNUCKLE UP host and guy what gets around EUGENE S. ROBINSON [with the "S" standing for "SHOCKED"], goes deep into the heart of Fuck Those Guys political theory vis a vis his one night and day with KARL ROVE and somehow weaves this into ["Rove himself asked me about MMA," Robinson says] a meditation on UFC 201, the indefatigable ROBBIE LAWLER, a wised-up WOODLEY and much, much more.