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@JonJones Pokes Fun at Jon Jones Twitter Haters

After the UFC stripped Jon Jones of the light heavyweight championship and suspended him indefinitely, Twitter was on fire with both supporters and haters of Jones.

So what did @JonJones do about it? He took it upon himself to respond to many of the Twitterati comments directed at Jon Jones. You’d think maybe that @JonJones would come out swinging, defending Jon Jones, but @JonJones isn’t the Jon Jones that many Twitter commenters thought he was.

Yeah, maybe @JonJones toyed with them a bit, but those looking for @JonnyBones were, in many cases, none the wiser.

Here’s a sampling of @JonJones interacting with the Jon Jones Twitterati…

It’s basically “when the most famous fighter in the world does something stupid, the world yells at the wrong guy” https://t.