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Jon Fitch opens up about PED usage, responds to Firas Zahabi

Jon Fitch isn’t going to get into a war of words with coach Firas Zahabi.

With Fitch set to challenge Bellator welterweight champion Rory MacDonald on Saturday in a welterweight grand prix quarterfinal match at Bellator 220, the 41-year-old’s history with PED usage reentered the MMA conversation last week courtesy of a video posted by Bellator broadcaster DAZN. In the video, Zahabi — MacDonald’s longtime coach at Tristar — ripped into Fitch for his 2014 failed drug test for elevated levels of testosterone, labeling Fitch a “true coward” and a “cheater” and accusing Fitch’s late career resurgence of entirely being the product of performance-enhancing drug use.