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Jake Paul Donates $5K to Sarah Alpar's GoFundMe to Pay for UFC Training Costs

Jake Paul donated $5,000 to the GoFundMe campaign of UFC fighter Sarah Alpar.

Paul tweeted Wednesday it was an "honor and privilege to help fellow fighters in anyway I can."

Paul Paul

SMH… Imagine a rookie in the NBA had to start a GoFundMe to play..<br><br>I let Sarah <a href="">@TOOSWEET_Alpar</a> know she has my support and contribution<br><br>It’s my honor and privilege to help fellow fighters in anyway I canud83dude4fud83cudffc<a href=""></a>

Alpar set a goal of $30,000, explaining how she's looking to train more in her MMA career. She said in an Instagram post the money will go toward basic necessities such as food and gym fees in addition to larger expenses.