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Jake Crist’s Last Match – Rockstar This Wednesday

Jake Crist’s Last Match – Rockstar This Wednesday – THIS Wednesday, December 9, Jake Crist will have his last match, taking place at the Rockstar Pro Arena, 1106 E Third ST in Dayton, OH! Bell time 7:30 pm.

Jake Crist ends his “Dream On” tour vs. his Baddest Killers tag partner, Aaron Williams!

Also, American Luchacore champion “White Trash Messiah” Ron Mathis vs. Samantha Heights!

“Darkstar” Matt Taylor vs. Dezmond Xavier!

…and much more. Tickets only $6.

Now available on – “Killer XMas”! See how David Starr became the new Rockstar Heavyweight champion and his confrontation with Sami Callihan about CZW “Cage of Death” and the Rockstar Title!