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Italian Commission Overturns UFC Fighter Mara Romero Borella’s Win From 2014

It appears that Mara Romero Borella has lost a victory that occurred nearly four years ago.

Last week, 32-year-old “Maravilla” was handed a 26-year suspension from Italy’s National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO Italy) for a violation of WADA guidelines.

Borella was busted in 2012 along with her boyfriend at the time for distribution of marijuana and cocaine. The so-called operation “Flanker” led to the arrest of 35 people, including the UFC women’s strawweight contender. Furthermore, NADO Italy banned “Maravilla” from competition for 15 years in 2014. As far as last week, Borella has been charged by the Italian Anti Doping Agency with two further violations, including being involved in and/or attending events sponsored by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI).