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Iran intensifies persecution of executed Iranian wrestler Navid Afkari’s family

The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to persecute Navid Afkari’s family, members of whom are now facing targeted attacks and arrests for protesting the wrongful imprisonment of Navid’s brothers, Vahid and Habib.

According to Navid’s brother, Saeed, members of the Afkari family gathered in front of the Adelabad prison to protest against his brothers’ solitary confinement. He tweeted that “plainclothes officers severely beat my mother, my sister, my father, my aunts and others. They confiscated the cell phones, arrested my sister and one of the women and released them an hour later.”

Navid Afkari was sentenced to death for his alleged role killing a security officer in Shiraz, Fars Province during summer 2018 protests in the province.