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Indy Power Rankings (@IndyPowerRankin) for the Week of May 25th, 2015

Indy Power Rankings for the Week of May 25th, 2015

#1 Raymond Rowe (@RaymondxRowe)-It was a VERY close vote this week as the JLIT Tournament Winner for 2015 ran into some stiff competition from Santana Garrett. That being said, Raymond Rowe came out on top, coming no lower than #2 on any of the official voters’ ballots. This is his not his first #1 ranking as he had one in very early 2014 but it’s his first in quite some time. Over the weekend he defeated Rickey Shane Page at AIW on 5/22, then defeated Nick Gage on 5/23, then defeated Tracy Williams the same night, and then defeated Josh Prohibition and Louis Lyndon to win the tournament to go 4-0 for the week.