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Indy Power Rankings (@IndyPowerRankin) for the Week of May 18th, 2015

Indy Power Rankings for the Week of May 18th, 2015

#1 John Skyler (@TheJohnSkyler)-The newly crowned (unofficial) King of Carolinas grabs the #1 spot in the Indy Power Rankings as the WrestleForce Heavyweight Champion added the PWX Heavyweight Title to his collection when he defeated Cedric Alexander, Ricochet, & Caleb Konley in a 4-Way Elimination match on 5/17. He also defeated Jesse Adler on 5/16 at CWF Mid-Atlantic to make his record 2-0 on the weekend. While he has been ranked very highly before, this is easily his highest ranking to date as he is clearly THE guy in the Carolinas right now as he owns two of the most important titles in North and South Carolina.